Turkey Trotting

Anna Marie, Ashley and Mickey arrived on Wednesday night.  I was so excited I waited for them downstairs in the lobby.  We proceeded to my new “home” to celebrate with Cosmos and cookies Ashley had baked.  

The next morning we walked to Le Quotidien to pick up the bread I had ordered to take to Thanksgiving dinner.  It was a fun way to share my “hood.” We then topped off our morning/afternoon with Margaritas on the rooftop.  Yes, it was a beautiful day.  The sun was bright with no clouds and although the weather was cool, it was not cold.  Mickey was shocked when I said the weather was really nice – only in the 40s!  It was a wonderful way to start the holiday.

A couple of hours later we were in a car on the way to Thanksgiving dinner.  This was not our first time spending Thanksgiving at Pierre and Grant’s home, and it was as comfortable and relaxed as always.  When I’m there I feel like I’m transported back in time; it is a beautifully furnished and renovated apartment with a 1940s charm.  I fully expect Bing Crosby to step out of one of the rooms singing “White Christmas.”

The food was delicious, conversations were thoughtful and there was an air of mutual respect and love.  What could possibly be better than that?