West Side Story

I had scheduled a tour of Hoboken, New Jersey, the birthplace of Frank Sinatra.  I was to be picked up on 7th Avenue in Midtown around 9:30 a.m., which meant I would need to take the bus there and leave early enough to get there in time. And, I proudly did it on my own. I waited and waited for my pick-up, until I finally called and got a hold of someone at the company, only to learn they had scheduled me for February 9th. In two days. Sigh.

Since I was already in midtown, I phoned Pierre and asked if he had suggestions on what I could do in this area. He did – Hudson Yards, a shopping structure on 10th Avenue.

Because I was walking to Hudson Yards, I got to now experience the Garment District.  The photos below is an example of what I saw.  I don’t believe it is much different than what I have experienced in the Los Angeles area.  Garment Districts are probably by  and large very similar.

Hudson Yards marks a newer revitalization of this New York neighborhood.  There are 14 acres of public plazas, gardens, art galleries, restaurants, residences, and shops.   The High Line is adjacent to one of the buildings.  When I walked the High Line with Mayi I didn’t even notice this huge building but then again, I was new to the City at that time.  The buildings are so large that when one walks to the other side of the building you are now just above 12th Street.  From this point you can see New Jersey.  Between 12th and the high rise there is a structure called “The Vessel” of which I could make no sense: it is 8 stories high and at first I thought it was a parking structure.  I quickly realized that there were no cars inside.  As it turns out, it is an observation deck(s) within

which people can walk around and around all the way to the top to see the different views.  Unfortunately, only the first deck is currently open due to the high amount of suicides from this building in more recent months.  Sad.

I went into high rise behind The Vessel and saw there were many nice shops; a shopper’s haven.  The building is called “The Edge.”  It is rightfully named because as you can see in the photograph below, the deck juts out from the building; you are truly on “the edge.”  This deck is on the 100th Floor and is quite large.

Several areas on the deck are glass so you can see straight down. Below are some photos taken from the deck:

“The Edge” is quite an experience!  It is the highest outdoor sky deck in the Western Hemisphere. The space is so massive that, for as many people as there were there, it didn’t feel like there were a lot. Stepping on the glass portion was a bit nerve-wracking but, it is, of course, very secure. This is another must-see!  The indoor portion of the 100th Floor houses an ice-skating rink, a gift shop, a coffee stand, and a bar.  What is there NOT to love?

I spent a considerable amount of time on the deck and then went through a few shops.  I was excited to see there is also a Shake Shack in this structure.  I had never had a Shake Shack burger and have talked for a long time about trying it, so I did.  I will just say: It is no “In ’n Out!”

There is also an open market in this structure called “Little Spain.”  Much like Le District, it has food items from Spain, several counters with different types of meals (including paella), seating, and designated restaurants and bars.  

This building also includes a Wells Fargo Bank complete with… well, see for yourself:

After spending several hours in Hudson Yards, I was actually able to find a bus back to head home.  What a delightful day!  Although a bit apprehensive I managed to go up to the 100th Floor, step out to see the most incredible views, found another great shopping area, and found a bus that dropped me off quite close to “home.”  The best realization, though, is that I was making the most of my stay by being this adventurous. 

And I still had Hoboken to look forward to!