On Sunday, April 2nd, Grant and Pierre invited me over for lunch.  I had decided to figure out which bus I should take to get close to their home… and I did it!  It was a new bus stop for me, but it was very close and I only had to wait for the bus for about 10 minutes.  The ride took about 50 minutes, but it dropped me off about two blocks from their place.  This route took me up 1st Avenue, so now I was able to see parts of Manhattan I had not yet seen.  What a great ride!  And, so empowering.  When I got to their home I felt like I could do anything.

Grant and Pierre prepared an incredible meal consisting of a roast, various vegetables, potatoes and carrots.  What stood out to me was the sautéed leeks.  When I have guests I always serve a vegetable but it never occurs to me to have several plates of vegetables.  Great idea! and it goes without saying we had a great visit.  There is always something to talk about!  But on top (no pun intended) of everything else, I finally saw their rooftop.

 From where I sit, I believe Pierre and Grant have a wonderful life; a beautiful and comfortable home, living in an area where they have made friends and can easily spend time on the Upper West Side and/or Midtown as well as this beautiful rooftop.  In fact, during COVID, some of the residents of the building, including Grant and Pierre, added lights, pots with both flowers and vegetables, etc.  While it was a devastating time that we all endured, there were some perks that came out of it for many of us.  And I believe creating this beautiful outdoor living space was one of those perks for them both.

Grant graced us with a piece from Beethoven to wind up the day.  The perfect ending to a perfect day.

Just in case you are wondering:No, I did not take the bus back, nor did I walk, nor did I take the subway.  Uber, it was since time flies by in the Upper East Side; it was close to midnight by the time I got home.